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Year in Review – Top 10 Mobilise Insights in 2022

5 min read
Published on: 28 Dec 2022
Updated on: 2 March, 2023
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Another year flew by! At Mobilise, it was a year full of growth and exciting opportunities. Our team expanded, we worked with many interesting clients and launched a new product – our eSIM SDK solution. Our marketing team and performance flourished too! We are especially proud of our telecom blog and pleased that we could release more helpful and educational content than ever before. Our plan is to publish more valuable resources in 2023. But before that happens, let’s take a moment to look back on 2022 and revisit the top 10 insights and top 5 LinkedIn posts of this year. 


Top 10 Insights

1. Trends in telecom 

We are always on the lookout for exciting trends. And so are our readers! This year our CEO, Hamish White, compiled a list of 4 top technology trends in the telecom industry. Those trends will reshape the telecoms IT and BSS landscape in the coming years, so it’s still a very relevant read in 2023. 


2. The eSIM-only iPhone release 

In September, Apple announced the release of its new smartphone—the iPhone 14. New iPhone releases always come with a significant amount of buzz and publicity, but this one has also echoed in the telecoms industry. Apple has started the end of the physical SIM card era by announcing the new iPhone 14 in the US as eSIM-only. Operators will have no choice but to adapt and the eSIM will start experiencing the uptake it deserves. 

Infographic showing the timeline of eSIM support in phones
Adapted from: Counterpoint 


3. The impact of the eSIM-only iPhone on the telecoms industry 

The eSIM-only iPhone will not only affect mobile network providers. Its implications are far-reaching. Currently, there’s a lack of smartphones that offer eSIM capability. Other original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) will therefore have to catch up. SIM manufacturers will start seeing a drastic decrease in SIM card shipments. Consumers will need to get used to a new way of activating their mobile subscriptions. Nonetheless, we consider Apple’s move as very positive, especially from a long-term perspective. 


4. Digital eSIM brand—Manx(OV) case study 

With more eyes on eSIM, businesses consider implementing eSIM offerings more and more. Mobilise has proven experience in launching fully digital eSIM solutions. One of our earliest eSIM projects was the launch of BreatheSIM – an eSIM-only brand centred around international travel. In this case study, we explain how we use our very own eSIM platform to create seamless experiences for both our client and their subscribers. 


One of the unique features of Mobilise's eSIM as a Service is its in-app provisioning and it is undoubtedly the gold standard for eSIM products since it provides a seamless user experience.

David Bufton, Head of Commercial Finance at Manx



5. eSIM challenges 

eSIM technology is still relatively new in the consumer market. Therefore, some of its aspects may come across as challenging. Fortunately, we know exactly what they are and put together a cohesive guide on the topic. Bonus: our eSIM solution offers a shortcut to overcome ALL those challenges.  


6. The circular economy in telecom 

Telecoms industry contributes to plastic production and CO2 emissions by producing and transporting mobile devices and SIM cards, among others. To reduce its carbon footprint, telecoms should take a more circular approach. Sustainability in the telecoms industry is something that all operators have a part in. 


Infographic showing the differences between a linear economy and a circular economy


7. Customer experience in telecom industry 

In 2023 and beyond, the main differentiator in the telecoms industry will be customer experience. No more competing on price, coverage, or speed. 21st century digital customers are after more than that. We’ve therefore collated 9 top strategies for service providers to elevate their customer experience in telecom. 


8. Digital Customers 

Speaking of 21st century customers, the modern customer is an amalgamation of Millennials and Gen Z. Both grew up in the smartphone era and their devices is where they want to interact with brands. Our article offers a deep dive into who these digital customers are and what they expect from brands. Such as their mobile operator and how to effectively cater to their needs. 

9. The experience economy – building lasting telecom customer experience 

Experiences make people happier than material things. That led us to create the experience economy. But what does that mean? The experience economy favours the idea of selling experiences rather than products. Should telecom customer experience follow the same philosophy? We answer this question in the article. 


10. Conversation about eSIM evolution – Mobilise x Oasis Smart SIM 

Mobilise’s Hamish White and Oasis Smart-SIM’s Jean-Christophe Tisseuil discussed eSIM and its evolution in the consumer market. Other aspects that both telecom experts touched on were the impact of the eSIM evolution on the end users’ and their future predictions for consumer eSIM. 



Top 5 LinkedIn Posts


Our most popular post on LinkedIn was during the release and hype of the eSIM-only iPhone 14 line.



The eSIM-only iPhone proved to be a very popular topic following the announcement.



Our HERO digital BSS platform will help your brand implement digital-first service propositions to compete in an increasingly digital world.





We hit our 11th year in 2022 and celebrated it with some delicious cake. We’re so proud of the progress we’ve made so far and hope you continue to enjoy our insights and content on LinkedIn in the future!


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