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Milestones and Momentum: A Year-End Review of Mobilise in 2023

6 min read
Published on: 28 Dec 2023
Updated on: 5 January, 2024
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As the year draws to a close, it’s only natural to find ourselves in a contemplative mood. To reflect on the past 12 months, we’re conducting a year-end review. Join us as we delve into the challenges we’ve overcome, the lessons we’ve learned, and the triumphs that have defined our year!


Company Overview

  • Mobilise’s story began in 2011 when Hamish White noticed a gap in the market for a consultancy specialising in MVNOs. In response, he set up Mobilise Consulting, building upon his decades’ worth of experience in consulting for MVNOs around the world.


  • In 2016, we shifted our focus to technology. We set up a new division and called it Mobilise Technology. We started developing top-quality software to help telcos digitalise and improve their customer experience.


  • 2017 was the year our unique digital BSS platform was born. We called it M-Connect but you now know it as HERO®. Since then, we’ve supported plenty of telcos in launching digital-first propositions.


  • Though, that wasn’t enough for us. In 2021, we launched eSIM as a Service – one of the first and most complete eSIM solutions in the consumer market.


  • We perfected our eSIM solution and encapsulated it in a neat and simple SDK in 2022. We can now equip any company in any industry with global connectivity!


That now takes us to today in 2023!


2023 at Mobilise in a nutshell

Let’s delve into the achievements and transformations that define Mobilise’s 2023.

The heartbeat of any organisation lies in its people. This year, our team has flourished, growing not just in numbers but in expertise and passion. With a notable increase in our workforce by 88%, we’ve harnessed diverse talents to reinforce our commitment to innovation and excellence.

In the digital landscape, innovation is the key to staying ahead of the curve, and at Mobilise, it’s the cornerstone of our ethos. After a rigorous 3-year process, we were granted a European Patent for our HERO platform! A milestone that reinforces our position as innovators in the digital services industry.

Our expansion into new horizons has been a cornerstone of our endeavours this year. As the world becomes more interconnected, we’ve extended our footprint to embrace two markets: the US and Africa. This strategic move broadens our global reach and positions us to offer relevant solutions in all markets. Especially as eSIM gains more prominence.

Not only that, but we’ve started venturing into uncharted territory! We’ve taken a bold and exciting step into the Travel Industry! Armed with our cutting-edge Embedded Connectivity SDK, we’re set to revolutionise the industry with our eSIM and digital telco expertise. This foray into a new frontier not only reflects our adaptability but also underscores our commitment to innovation and the pursuit of ground-breaking solutions.



On the marketing side of this foray, we released our first-ever commissioned research piece! This initiative not only underscores our commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends but also showcases our dedication to providing valuable insights to our audience. But this is more than just a publication. It’s a testament to Mobilise’s dedication to knowledge-sharing, innovation, and shaping the discourse surrounding digital connectivity.



This year, we’ve not only thrived in our day-to-day endeavours but also actively engaged with the global community through participating in three prominent events. We attended MWC Barcelona, where we connected with industry leaders and visionaries, exchanging insights and forged collaborations. We attended Telecoms World Middle East in Dubai, providing us with a platform to showcase our innovations to the Middle Eastern market. And finally, more recently, we attended Digital Travel Europe in London. This marked our venture into the travel sector. These events weren’t just milestones. They were opportunities to share our vision, learn from the best, and contribute to the collective momentum of progress in the digital realm.



In the spirit of evolution, we’ve also undergone a visual transformation! Our rebranding efforts signify more than just a change in appearance; they encapsulate the essence of our modern, fully digital solutions. The new colours that now grace our brand are a visual testament to our commitment to staying ahead of the curve, aligning our aesthetic and colours with the contemporary nature of our fully digital solutions.



2023 at Mobilise is not just a chapter in our journey. But a testament to our resilience and dedication to shaping the future of digital connectivity!


Looking forward to 2024

We’re on the verge of a new era and excited to explore the opportunities that lie ahead in 2024. And we’re ready to undertake ground-breaking endeavours that will revolutionise connectivity.

In the coming year, we’re taking further steps towards becoming a more complete and fully digital MVNE enabler. This ambitious venture will not only elevate our capabilities but will also mark a significant milestone in our quest to revolutionise the telecoms industry. Watch this space as we delve into uncharted territories, unlocking new potentials and redefining the standards of digital innovation!

But that’s not all. Our journey into 2024 will witness Mobilise’s upcoming innovative platform developments. Among the myriad of projects is our venture into the realm of AI-assisted chat functionality. Additionally, our commitment to elevating user experiences sees the next generation of HERO’s CRM. These upcoming projects define a development strategy around continuous improvement, combined with next-generation functionality. All to create an even more complete telecoms solution package for our customers.

As we set our sights on these ground-breaking projects, we’re optimistic and enthusiastic about the year ahead of us. The challenges aren’t just hurdles but opportunities for growth and evolution.



As we wrap up 2023, we’ve experienced exponential growth and innovation. Despite the challenges faced in the past year, we’ve emerged stronger and more dynamic, and are now ready for a future full of possibilities.

Thank you for being with us throughout this transformative year, and we look forward to continuing this journey together. Here’s to the future!

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