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eSIM Apps – Analysis of user reviews

1 min read
Published on: 13 Jun 2023
Updated on: 11 October, 2023
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Since eSIM launched in the consumer market in 2016 and the launch of the eSIM-only iPhone 14 in the US, plenty of eSIM apps have entered app marketplaces. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that there were approximately 50 eSIM-only apps at the beginning of March 2023! That’s a very decent number and we’re happy to see the willing uptake of eSIM in the consumer market.

But we’re a bunch of eSIM nerds, so that’s just us. What’s more important to know is how end-users find eSIM and whether they’re as enthusiastic about what eSIM has to offer as we are.  

We analysed user reviews of 11 eSIM-only apps from the App Store and Google Play to gauge users’ perceptions of eSIM. That’s 8,086 reviews in total! To ensure a range of perspectives, we evaluated both big and popular providers and the lesser-known ones to ensure a variety of views. The results were very insightful.  

In this eBook, we’ve examined what users like and dislike about the current eSIM apps and offer suggestions on how to enhance customer experience (CX) and user satisfaction.

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