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Brexit: Why Businesses Have Time To Adapt

1 min read
Published on: 22 Aug 2016
Updated on: 5 June, 2020
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It’s time we stopped hiding behind Brexit and plan for the future, otherwise we risk our place as a leader on the global stage.

I’m a big believer that when things don’t go as planned you have to learn from it and find a new perspective.
The 24th June felt different though. It wasn’t a change to regulation, it wasn’t technology falling over, it wasn’t a customer backlash. It was like nothing we’ve seen before.

It was a shock, not because there hadn’t been the possibility it would happen, but because Brexit was now something totally beyond my control.

It’s a horrible feeling when you’ve built a business , especially as an outsider – I’m Australian – on using your expertise to deal with ambiguity on your client’s behalf, to suddenly have no idea what the future holds. I’d set up here because of all the benefits Europe afforded me.

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